Does 150 Fps Airsoft Gun Hurt Rating: 5,9/10 7595 votes

Buy A Different Airsoft Gun. This is another great option if you are looking to dip under the FPS limit at your airsoft field. Although it is most likely the most expensive option as well. I would expect to pay somewhere between $150 and $300 for a second gun. Granted, it isn’t uncommon for people who are into airsoft to have more than one gun. May 14, 2013  Last sunday I got shot on the nose three times, and I've decided it is a good time to talk about how much airsoft hurts. That and you all get to laugh at me getting shot in the face, and making a. Does 150 Fps Airsoft Gun Hurt. Ve seen a 200 fps airsoft gun shoot through some cardboard. And if i should just buy a 400 fps one if it will hurt less or something. Keep Learning. Does Airsoft hurt? What is an Airsoft gun?

  1. 400 Fps Airsoft Guns
  2. High Fps Airsoft Guns

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Treat all guns as if they are loaded. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.if something is broken or wrong. I was reading our almighty and came across this bitLet's get the big one out of the way first. In terms relative to range and accuracy, barrel length doesn't mean anything. If you'd like to factor in FPS and air voluming, be my guest, but those things don't really effect range and accuracy either, only how quickly the BB gets there and how quickly it loses the air behind it.While I understand having a good hopup is far more crucial to range than FPS, I don't understand how you can claim that FPS doesn't matter.


Regardless of how good the hopup is, the gun with the lower FPS has lower muzzle energy. Keep all other variables constant, I just don't see how FPS isn't going to make a difference in at least the range of the gun.For instance, if you upgrade the spring on a gun that shoots 300 fps to 380fps, surely its range will increase, right?!Edit: In the context of this discussion, I assumed 'range' to simply be its hard, dictionary definition which is 'the maximum distance to which a gun will shoot'.

Nothing to do with consistency in reaching it or the groupings of the projectiles.The consensus seems that, yes, muzzle energy (ie fps) does affect range but is fairly neglegible given the variation in fps (350fps vs 400fps).Edit 2: this is an amazing source to see how much fps makes a difference in terms of max / effective range. Thank you. FPS does effect range. Shoot a BB at 350 FPS, now shoot a BB at 2200 FPS.

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I guarantee the range of the second BB will win:) Shoot a pellet gun at 400 FPS, now shoot a bullet at 3000 fps. I'm pretty sure the bullet will win. This is amazing.So I suppose it confirms by suspicion. Looking at the graph (on my phone so not very easy to measure) between one with 350 fps vs 400 fps, the trajectory of the bb will drop to -12 feet at around 135ft and 155ft respectively. Ie the difference in that 50fps yielded in roughly 20ft more distance. Having said that, since you don't expect to be lobbing bbs 12 feet above your target you can expect less difference in the so called 'effective range'.In fact, looking at where the bb just start to dip you can see that 350fps roughly starts dipping at around 100ft while 400fps is at 110ft or so.

Which roughly translates to 10% increase in 'effective range' from upping the fps by almost 15%.Very cool stuff!. To steal an old post of mine.' Range'the fuck is it?Seriously, there is no definition for 'range' that doesn't involve a fuckton of handwaving or overall ignorance. You've got 'effective range' aka the distance that you're comfortable shooting at someone which is dependent on a bunch of factors, a lot of which aren't related to your gun's consistency (eg. Rate of fire, terrain, shooter skill). You've got 'maximum range' which is best defined as the physical limit of how far your bbs will go with their given kinetic energy and backspin.

400 Fps Airsoft Guns

You've got groupings at a given distance aka accuracy aka precision aka consistency, which is pretty obvious and measurable (but really needs units of measurement to be meaningful). But 'range' by itself is a completely subjective and therefore useless word since everyone has their own personal definition of what it means. It's like aim in csgo, but that's an entirely different rant to go on and not really relevant to.This leads to these weird misconceptions like 'fps does/doesn't affect maximum range'. That's right, both are arguably misconceptions because as I said before, nobody truly agrees what 'range' defines.

High Fps Airsoft Guns

Your maximum range is hard capped by your fps (with fps being the colloquial term for 'fps with.2g bbs' aka a measure of kinetic energy)- there's only so much you can get out of a given amount of kinetic energy (note that heavier bbs do carry this further because physics basically). On the other hand, the magnitude of fps has zero effect on groupings/consistency (fps consistency can affect this though) so it indeed has no effect on 'effective' range.Bbs are not magic. They're physical objects and have two relevant attributes- velocity and backspin. If you have a bb of a certain weight traveling at a certain fps with a certain amount of backspin applied to it exiting the muzzle of your gun, it doesn't care whether you've got the most vanilla tm style barrel system or some fancy LRB tk-twist rhop whatever the fuck- it will do the exact same thing. What all these fancy hop/barrel systems do is affect the consistency (and amount, one of the big things about r-hop being that you can use way heavier bbs with it) of backspin and muzzle energy, they can't impart any extra factors that'll make your shots go;dr: 'range'- what is this i dont even/2am sleeping medicine rant.

I didn't think 'range' varied in definition. Generally speaking a plain range, as I understood, just meant how far your bb will travel before it falls to the ground.

I didn't think it ever meant groupings/consistency until you start talking about 'effective range'. When I say range I literally mean the maximum range your bb will fly straight before hitting the ground when being shot out of a horizontally levelled barrel.So in essence, as I thought, higher muzzle energy (ie higher fps for the same weights) does translate to further 'range'. I didn't think 'range' varied in definition. Generally speaking a plain range, as I understood, just meant how far your bb will travel before it falls to the ground.

I didn't think it ever meant groupings/consistency until you start talking about 'effective range'. When I say range I literally mean the maximum range your bb will fly straight before hitting the ground when being shot out of a horizontally levelled barrel.See that's exactly my point. That's your definition. It's not necessarily wrong or right, but it's not what everyone universally agrees on. Look at how every time some new guy makes a post about wanting to increase their gun's range and how 99% of the time people tell him to replace his hop bucking and inner barrel.

I think if you use joules as a cap it already factors in joule creep since you'd be deriving your fps using a specific weight from the hard joule cap (eg you'd derive the theoretical fps you need to shoot using, say,.25g bb).