Timurid Wargames Army Rating: 9,7/10 7814 votes

This was a 6 point game. Daemon tools pro windows 7. AJ's Eastern Crusader Russians consisted of 2 points of warriors (in 2, 8 fig units), one point of hearthguard (in 1, 4 fig unit), 1 point of levy crossbow (12 figs), a mercenary horse unit, the black hoods (8 figures), and a legendary leader, Alexander Nevsky.

. 1507 (Timurid Empire). 1857 (Mughal Empire)The Timurid dynasty (: تیموریان‎), self-designated as Gurkani (: گورکانیان‎, Gūrkāniyān), was a dynasty or of origin descended from the warlord (also known as Tamerlane). The word 'Gurkani' derives from 'Gurkan', a Persianized form of the Mongolian word 'Kuragan' meaning 'son-in-law'. This was an honourific title used by the dynasty as the Timurids were in-laws of the line of, founder of the, as Timur had married, a direct descendant of. Members of the Timurid dynasty were strongly influenced by the and established two significant in history, the (1370–1507) based in and, and the (1526–1857) based in the.

Main articles:, andThe origin of the goes back to the tribe known as, who were remnants of the original Mongol army of, founder of the. After the, the Barlas settled in what is today southern, from to and, which then came to be known for a time as – 'Land of Mongols' in Persian reference needed – and intermingled to a considerable degree with the local and population, so that at the time of Timur's reign the Barlas had become thoroughly Turkicized in terms of language and habits.Additionally, by adopting, the Central Asian Turks and Mongols adopted the which had dominated Central Asia since the early days of Islamic influence.

Bayezid captivity

Timurid Military

Persian literature was instrumental in the assimilation of the Timurid elite to the Perso-Islamic courtly culture. List of rulers Timurid Empire Titular namePersonal nameReignTimur ruled over the with as nominal Khan followed. He himself adopted the Muslim Arabic title of Amir.