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1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)PC SoftwareSubject Code: BCA-101Paper Code: JPJ-11Time: 20 Minutes M.Marks: 10Section AObjective Type QuestionsAttempt All Questions. Each question carry 1/2 mark. Use the symbol (√) in the box for markingthe correct answer.Q. Choose the correct answer-1. FAT stands for-a) File Allocation Table b) File Accommodation Tablec) File Access Table d) File Activity Table2. Which command is used to create disk’s tracks and sectors?a) F disk b) chkdskc) Format d) Attrib3. The purpose of MOVE command is to-a) Rename directoryb) Move one or more files to the location specifiedc) Both (a) and (b)d) None of these4.

RTMNU Question Papers of different courses like BE BPHARM MBA MCA BSC MSC BCOM BBA BA BCA and all other courses of RTMNU Nagpur university question papers of old years like 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 pdf format. RTMNU COMPUTER ENGINEERING 8 SEM QUESTION PAPERS: Top.

command clears the screen.a) Del b) CLSc) Delete d) Clear Screen5. Misspelled word is marked bya) Enclosing the word by grey barb) Underline the word with solid black linec) Underline the word with wavy red lined) None of theseRoll No.Enrollment NoEnrollmentNo.Invigilator’s Signature. Which of the following is not a font style?a) Bold b) Regularc) Italics d) Superscript7.

To use the feature Theasurus in word you press-a) Shift + F7 b) Shift + F9c) Shift + F5 d) Shift + F28. Borders can be applied to-a) Cells b) Textc) Paragraph d) All of these9. The default setting of left margin is-a) 1.25 inches b) 2 inchesc) 1 inch d) 1.75 inches10. In MS Word date and time option is available in menu.a) Format b) Toolsc) Edit d) Insert11. Alignment buttons are available on tool bar.a) Status bar b) Standard tool barc) Formatting bar d) None of these12.

To copy character format click button.a) Format painter b) Formatc) Font d) Toggle13. When a formatted number does not fit within a cell it displays-a) div # b) #####c) div #/0 d) #DIV @. Which of the following displays the content of the active cell?a) Name box b) Menu barc) Formula bar d) Status bar15. The cell reference for the cell range B2 to F12 is –a) B2.


F12 b) B2; F12c) B2: F12 d) B2 – F1216. Cell address $ A4 in formula means it is a reference.a) Mixed cell b) Absolute cellc) Relative cell d) All of these17.

The address of the cell at 8thcolumn and 20throw will be-a) 8, 20 b) 20, 8c) H 20 d) 20 H18. A worksheet contains columns.a) 256 b) 65356c) 65536 d) 26519. To display the current data in MS excel function is used.a) Now b) Now ( )c) Date ( ) d) None of these20. Formula in Excel starts with sign.a)% sign b) = signc) + sign d) - sign.

1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)PC SoftwareSubject Code: BCA-101Paper Code: JPJ-11Time: 2:40 hours Max.Marks: 60Min. Marks:Section – B(Short Answer Type Questions)Attempt all questions (each question carries 4 marks)Q.No.2.

Write the difference between Internal and External commands? Explain 2 internalcommands.ORWrite the difference between MS DOS and MS Window. Explain any two icon ofwindow.Q.No.3. What is newspaper style column?ORWhat is the difference between copying and moving a block of text? Write commandsand explain.Q.No.4. Write steps to do the following in MS word.i) to include bullet and numberingii) to give border to a paragraphORWhat is header and footer?

Write steps to include header and footer in MS Word.Q.No.5. Define following in MS Excel.i) Cellii) Rangeiii) Worksheetiv) WorkbookORWrite steps to do following in MS Excel.i) To delete rowii) To delete columniii) To show the use of auto filliv) To delete content of cellQ.No.6. What is database handling?ORExplain sorting and filter with the help of example.Roll No. 2Section C(Long answer type questions)Attempt all questions (each question carries 8 marks)Q.No.7. What is batch file? Write its utility.

Explain how batch file is created andexecuted?ORExplain following DOS commands with example and syntax:-i) Copy con ii) Formatiii) Disk copy iv) DIRQ.No.8. What is word processing? Write its features and advantages.ORExplain following in MS word:-i) Menu bar ii) Text attributeiii) Format painter iv) AlignmentQ.No.9. Explain mail merge and mail label.ORWhat is margin?

Explain various types of margin.Q.No.10. Explain various features and application area of spreadsheet.ORDescribe the various components of MS Excel worksheet window.Q.No.11. What is macro?

Write steps to create, name and execute macro.ORWrite steps to include pic char. Explain with the help of example. 1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)Fundamentals of ComputerSubject Code: BCA-102Paper Code: JPJ-12Time: 20 Minutes M.Marks: 10Section AObjective Type QuestionsAttempt All Questions. Each question carry 1/2 mark. Use the symbol (√) in the box for marking thecorrect answer.Q. Choose the correct answer-1.

The third generation computer was made with-a) Vacuum tube b) Discrite componentsc) IC d) Biochips2. Through which device the main components of the computer communicate with eachother.a) Keyboard b) System Busc) Monitor d) Memory3. CPU controlsa) All input, output and processingb) Controls memoryc) Controlled by the input datad) None of these4.

is the high speed memory used in the computer.a) RAM b) BIOSc) Hard Disk d) Cache5. Which technology is used in a CD-ROM drive?a) Mechanical b) Electro Mechanicalc) Optical d) Fiber opticalRoll No.Enrollment NoEnrollmentNo.Invigilator’s Signature. DVD stands for-a) Digital Video Data b) Digital Video Diskc) Digital Versatile Disk d) Direct Versatile Disk7. Which information retrieval is faster from-a) Floppy Disk b) Magnetic tapec) Hard Disk d) None of these8. The scanning technology used in banks to read the number at the bottom of checks is-a) MICR b) OCRc) OMR d) GRE9. Machine language is composed only of-a) Keyword statement b) Hexadecimal numberc) Memory address toggles d) O’s and I’s10. C is the language-a) Low level b) Middle levelc) Machine level d) All of these11.

Which of the following is used as the connector symbols in a flow chart?a) b)c) d)12. What are three types of basic language used in computers programming.a) Zero, low & high levelb) COBOL, BASIC & PROLOGc) FOTRAN, PL/I & JAVAd) Machine, Assembly & High level.

Which of the following is not a part of operating system?a) Supervisor b) Performance Monitorc) Job control program d) I/O control program14. Which of the following is not an operating system?a) Unix b) MS-DOSc) PASCAL d) CP/M15.

The major operating system used in computers is-a) MS-DOS b) OS/2c) Unix d) All of these16. Which of the following system software resided in main memory always?a) Text editor b) Assemblerc) Linker d) All of these17. Which topology requires a central controller or hub?a) Mesh b) Starc) Bus d) Ring18.

What protects the coaxial cable from noise?a) Inner conductor b) Outer conductorc) Diameter of cable d) Insulating material19. MAN refers to-a) Mega Area Network b) Metropolitan Area Networkc) Mini Area Network d) Medium Area Network. 1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)Fundamentals of ComputerSubject Code: BCA-102Paper Code: JPJ-12Time: 2:40 hours M.Marks: 60Section – B(Short Answer Type Questions)Attempt all questions (each question carries 4 marks)Q.No.2. Describe the characteristics of the computer.ORDefine Mini Computer?

Give two example of Mini Computer.Q.No.3. Write short note on keyboards.ORWhat is impact printer? Explain any one of them.Q.No.4. What is flow chart?

Explain the symbols used for flow chart.ORWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of low level language?Q.No.5. What is a linker? Why is it required?ORWhat is the difference between system software and application software?Explain with suitable example.Q.No.6. What are some of the factor that determine whether a communication system is aLAN, MAN or WAN?ORAssume six devices are arranged in mesh topology. Explain how many cables andports are needed for each device.Roll No. 2Section C(Long answer type questions)Attempt all questions (each question carries 8 marks)Q.No.7. Compare in details the generation of computer based on the following:-(a) Hardware (b) Software (c) Computing characteristic (d) physical appearance(e) Their application.

Also give one example of each generation.ORWrite differences between the following:-(a) Analog and digital computer(b) Mainframe and super computer.Q.No.8. How is data recorded on a CD ROM? How is it read?ORWhat is plotters? Explain types of plotters.Q.No.9. What are the major steps applied during program development? Explain each indetail.ORDifferentiate high level and low level programming language with theiradvantages and disadvantages. Give one example of each language.Q.No.10.

What are the main functions performed by the system software of a computersystem.ORWhat is operating system? What is the need of operating system? Explain theservices of operating system. Give the name of 6 operating system which arecurrently used.Q.No.11. Describe the component of Fiber Optic cable? Draw a picture.ORWhat do you mean by network? Discuss its advantages and application.

1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)Digital ElectronicsSubject Code: BCA-103Paper Code: JPJ-13Time: 20 Minutes M.Marks: 10Section AObjective Type QuestionsAttempt All Questions. Each question carry 1/2 mark.

Use the symbol (√) in the box for markingthe correct answer.Q. Choose the correct answer-1. How many bits are in an ASCII character?a) 16 b) 8c) 7 d) 42. Convert the following binary number 1001.0010 2 to decimal.a) 90.125 b) 9.125c) 125 d) 12.53. When 1100010 is divided by 0101 which is decimal remainder?a) 3 b) 2c) 6 d) 44. Convert 59.72 10 to BCDa) 1110 11 b) 0100010c) 1110.11 d) 1100105.

A demultiplexer has-a) Several inputs and several outputsb) Several inputs and one outputb) One input and one outputd) One data input and a number of selection inputs & they haveseveral outputsRoll No.Enrollment NoEnrollmentNo.Invigilator’s Signature. How JK flip flop made to toggle?a) J=0 K=0 b) J=1 K=0c) J=1 K=1 d) J=0 K=17. The Boolean expression Ᾱ.B+ A.B + A.B is equivalent to –a) A+B b) Ᾱ.Bc) + d) A.B8. The gate required to build half adder are;a) EX-OR gate b) NAND gatec) EX-OR gate & AND gate d) Four NAND gates9.

Overview Friend or Foe is a beat 'em up where Spider-Man teams up with his enemies to save the day and stop an unknown nemesis. Submit a description Rate this game. Spiderman friend or foe gameplay.

The condition occurring when two or more devices try to write data to a BUSsimultaneously is called-a) Address decoding b) BUS contentionc) BUS collision d) Address multiplexing10. How many address bits are needed to select all memory locations in the 2118 16k x1 RAM?a) 12 b) 13c) 14 d) 1011. In a DRAM, what is the state of R/W during a read operation?a) Low b) Highc) HI-Z d) None of these12. One of the most important specifications on magnetic media is the-a) Rotation speed b) Tracks per inchc) Data transfer rate d) Polarity reversal rate13.

Which bus is unidirectional?a) Data bus b) Control busc) Address bus d) Both (a) and (b). Cache memory works on a principle of-a) Locality of data b) Locality of memoryc) Locality of references d) None of these15. How many address lines are needed to address each memory location in a 2048 x 4memory?a) 10 b) 11c) 8 d) 1216. Synchronous construction reduces the delay time of a counter to the delay of-a) All flip flop & gatesb) All flip flops and gates after a 3 countc) A single gated) A single flip flop and a gate17. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at onetime is called a/an-a) Interpreter b) Compilerc) Simulator d) Commander18.

Interrupts which are initiated by an I/O device are;a) Internal b) Softwarec) External d) All of these19. Address symbol table is generated by the-a) Memory Management softwareb) Assemblerc) Match logic of associated memoryd) Operating system20. Memory access in RISC architecture is limited to instructions.a) CALL & RET b) PUSH & POPc) STA & LDA d) MOV & JMP. 1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)Digital ElectronicsSubject Code: BCA-103Paper Code: JPJ-13Time: 2:40 hours M.Marks: 60Section – B(Short Answer Type Questions)Attempt all questions (each question carries 4 marks)Q.No.2. State and explain the De Moryan’s theorem.ORConvert the following:i) (112) 8 = ( ) 16 iii) (11000) 2 = ( ) 16ii) (101110) 2 = ( )8 iv) (106) 8 = ( ) 2Q.No.3. Design full substractor using NAND gate only.ORWhy are shift registers considered to be basic memory devices?Q.No.4.

What do you mean by EPROM? How ROM, PROM and EPROM are different.ORExplain the operation of Master-slave flip flop.Q.No.5. Mention different types of bus architecture.ORWhat are various interrupts in 8086 micro processor?Q.No.6. Explain Asynchronous mode of data transfer.ORHow direct memory access data transfer is performed?Roll No. 2Section C(Long answer type questions)Attempt all questions (each question carries 8 marks)Q.No.7.

What is Excess-3 Coding System? Differentiate Excess-3, EBCDIC and BCDcode.ORDesign a 4 bit binary to gray code converter.Q.No.8. What do you mean by shift register and different configurations of shift register.ORExplain Multiplexers and implement it to the following Boolean function using4x1 multiplexes.F (A,B,C) = Σ (1,3,5,6)Q.No.9. What are different types of memory access methods? Explain with theirapplication.ORWhat are the uses of Cache Memory and Virtual Memory? How they are differentwith each other?Q.No.10. Define the software list.

Explain the types of software with examples.ORExplain various CPU organizations & give brief description of each.Q.No.11. Explain Asynchronous data transfer scheme. How it is different from interruptdriven data transfer scheme?ORHow direct memory access data transfer is performed?

Explain in detail. 1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)Business CommunicationSubject Code: BCA-104Paper Code: JPJ-14Time: 20 Minutes M.Marks: 10Section AObjective Type QuestionsAttempt All Questions. Each question carry 1/2 mark. Use the symbol (√) in the box for marking thecorrect answer.Q. Choose the correct answer-1. The most successful employee in today’s world of work will possess:a) Masters Degree b) Internet surfing skillsc) Communication skills d) Speaking skills2. The process of communication begins when-a) A message is put into wordsb) Sender has an ideac) Receiver receives messaged) None of these3.

Objectives of communication are: (tick all those applicable)a) Information b) Pursuationc) Motivation d) Reservation4. Body language including gesture and posture is called-a) Olfactics b) Oculesicsc) Proxemics d) Kinesics5. is the list of things to be covered in a conference.a) Minutes b) Sessionc) Poster presentation d) Paper presentationRoll No.Enrollment NoEnrollmentNo.Invigilator’s Signature. The most important aspect of the process of communication is-a) Sender b) Channelc) Noise d) Feedback7. Written communication is a two way process.a) True b) False8. Interview and Group Discussion are tools to assess skills of employees.a) Attitude b) Knowledgec) Communication skills d) All of these9. meetings will include discussion with fellow workers.a) Informal b) Structuredc) Conference d) Formal10.

A Floor Manager giving instruction to his Supervisor is an example of-a) Upward communication b) Downward communicationb)c) Horizontal d) Diagonal11. What is a progress report?a) It is a review of progress made on an activityb) It declares an end resultc) It is only a criticism of your workd) None of these12. Objectives of a letter can be known in one glance by reading the-a) Reference b) Subjectc) Matter d) Body13.

Types of written communication are- (Choose all those applicable)a) Letters b) Memosc) Teleconferencing d) Reports. Listening and hearing are one and the same thing.a) True b) False15. Fax and E-mail are methods of communication.

(Choose all thoseapplicable)a) Modern b) Writtenc) Formal d) Non verbal16. Advantages of written communication are-a) Accuracy b) Brevityc) Can be recorded d) None of these17. This consists of the name and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent.a) Head address b) Inside addressc) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these18. All barriers to communications are psychological in nature.a) True b) False19. Fully raised eyebrows depicts-a) Confusion b) Normalc) Anger d) Disbelief20. is an informal channel of communication in an office.a) Meetings b) Grapevinec) Conference d) Speech.

1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)Business CommunicationSubject Code: BCA-104Paper Code: JPJ-14Time: 2:40 hours M.Marks: 60Section – B(Short Answer Type Questions)Attempt all questions (each question carries 4 marks)Q.No.2. Define communication and explain its process with an elaborate diagram.ORShannon & Weaver’s Information Theory was based on technical research. It didnot fit well in human communications.

Discuss the strength and weaknesses ofthis theory.Q.No.3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of oral and written communication.ORAamir Khan used the techniques of Empathetic Listening in Satya Mev Jayate.Discuss its impact, elements and importance in day to day life.Q.No.4. Communication is never transmitted 100%. How can you make it effective?ORSpeeches are one of the toughest form of oral communication. What methods canbe adopted to become a better speaker?Q.No.5. What do you understand by a report? What are its functions?ORName the elements used to structure a Business Letter.Q.No.6.

Non verbal communication is more visible than verbal communication. Describesome of the aspects of kinesics.ORWhat is noise? Elaborate its meaning and importance in communication process.Roll No. 2Section C(Long answer type questions)Attempt all questions (each question carries 8 marks)Q.No.7. Discuss all Barriers to communication.ORYou have been asked to inspect the hygienic conditions of your college mess. Submit areport to your Principal with recommendations.Q.No.8.

Draft a complaint letter to the Bank Manager about your ATM card getting stuck in themachine. Also request him to issue a new card.ORYou have been asked to appear for an interview in a Multi National Company for aselection process of your dream job. What aspects of non verbal communication will youkeep in mind?Q.No.9. Draft a speech of the Chairman for an even t of your choice.ORWhat are the modern forms of communications? Discuss their advantages anddisadvantages in a business world.Q.No.10.

Bca Software Download

Discuss communication as a two way process of exchange of information.ORIn how many direction does communication flows in a business organization? Explain the Transaction Theory of communication.ORWhat preparations are required to organize a conference? Discuss them in detail. 1BCA First Semester Examination (Year 2014)Moral Values & LanguagesSubject Code: FC-104Paper Code: JPJ-15Time: 3 hours M.Marks: 75The question paper is divided into three parts A, B & C. Students need to attempt all sections.;g iz’ui= rhu Hkkxkas A, B,oa C esa foHkkftr gSA Nk=ksa dks izR;sd Hkkx dks djuk vfuok;Z gSaAMoral Values (A) Section –IThis section has five questions of equal marks. Answer all the questions given below in one sentence.1. What is the need of Time Management?Lke; dk ewY; D;ksa t:jh gS2.

What is the biggest achievement in a student‟s life?fo kFkhZ thou dh egRoiw.kZ miyfC/k D;k gS3. Which is our foremost duty towards the society we live in?Lkekt ds izfr gekjh izFke ftEesnkjh dkSu&lh gS4.

Why does values change from time to time?ewY;ksa dk uohdj.k D;ksa t:jh gS5. What is the affect of a healthy mind on man‟s behavior?Eku ds LoLF; gksus dk vkpj.k ij D;k izHkko iM+rk gSSection –IIQ2.

This section contains three questions of equal marks.Attempt any two in about 25-30 words. Good conduct is the result of healthy friendship. Explain.vPNk vkpj.k l’kRrr vkSj LoLF; fe=rk dk mnkgj.k gS& Li'V dhft,A2. Which type of behavior is morally right and acceptable?uSfrd ǹ`f'V ls mfpr;k Lohdk;Z vkpj.k dkSu&ls gS3. Friendly and kind nature can win any challenges.

Do you agree? Explain how?fe=rk vkSj d.kk’khy O;ogkj gj dfBukbZ dk mRrj gSA;fn vki lger gSa rks crkbZ;s dSlsSection –IIIQ3.

Long answer type question (Word limit: 200-250 words) 1x 6 = 6It is often said that „One‟s behavior is the mirror to one‟s character‟. Discuss.vkpj.k euq'; ds pfj= dks izfrfcafcr djrk gS&O;k;k dhft,AORWhat do you understand by moral values? Does a student need values in his life?uSfrd ewY;ksa ls vki D;k lers gS fo kFkhZ thou esa uSfrd ewY;ksa dk D;k egRo gS lehkkdhft,ARoll No. 3English (c)Q.1. Answer any five from the following: 3x5= 15 marksI. Like peace, which three things are indivisible?II.

Why does the poet compare “dead habit” to “dreary desert sand”?III. Give a description of the Astrologer.IV. Summarize the poem “Where the mind is without Fear”.V. Why has Keats been “half in love” with death in Keats “Ode to a Nightingale”.VI. Who made a tryst with destiny?Q.2.

Read the following passage and answer the given questions.4 marksOur forests are important sources of natural wealth covering one fifth of the country‟s landarea. They supply the timber for the railways, house building and furniture making. They alsosupply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making. Medicinal herbs also comefrom the forests.In the olden days our wise men and philosophers had their Ashrams in the forest. TheseAshrams were the centres of knowledge and learning. Unfortunately forests were ruthlesslycut down in the past few years.

While the forests are disappearing, the demand for timber isgrowing. We must, therefore, protect and develop our forests. „Vana Mahotsava‟ is animportant step in this direction. It is observed for a week in July every year. During this weeklakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country.

This is being done to restore our fastdisappearing forests.i) For what purpose do we need timber?ii) When is „Vana Mahotsava‟ observed?iii) What was the use of Ashrams?iv) What is done during the Vana Mahotsava?Q.3. Write a paragraph of 100 – 150 words on any one of the following topics:-4 marksi) No Pains, No Gainsii) Trees, our best friendsiii) Rome was not built in a dayiv) Home Sweet HomeQ.4. Vocabulary –2 marks1. Correct the underlined words in the following sentences:-i) The accused was released on bale.ii) He hales from M.P.iii) Good soaps produce a lot of leather.iv) The water in the river was up to the waste.2. Complete the following proverbs:- 1 marki) Strike while the is hot.ii) Make while the sun shines.

SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGBCA-303, 3RD Semester (2096)Time: 3Hours Max Marks:75Note: Part A is compulsory. Answer the questions in 40-60 words.